Tuesday, May 10, 2011

foot in my mouth...again.

I OPENLY (and repeatedly) mistook one of Hudson's classmates DAD for his GRANDPA!!!!

"Oh Lucky Ian! He gets to go to the Eco Museum with his Grandpa!" I joyously said OUT LOUD...purposely being friendly, as we walked into the school at the same time.

Being the polite Canadian he is, he never corrected me (and no, there is NO WAY IN HELL he didn't hear me...unless he's deaf, which unfortunately he's not).

Later that fieldtrip, I heard the teachers addressing him as Ian's "Dad".

So so so embarrasing.

Lesson learned...I should never talk. Ever.


Unknown said...

OMG hahahahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha!!!!

Jessica said...

K, not even kidding, you SERIOUSLY need to write a book. THAT is how you will become rich....SERIOUSLY!

Jessica said...

K, not even kidding, you SERIOUSLY need to write a book. THAT is how you will become rich....SERIOUSLY!

Roz said...

aww Joyce, it happens to all of us...don't beat yourself up about it :)

Sonia said...

OMW that is too funny! You're hilarious Joyce!

Audrey said...

ha ha!!! Now you have to smile at him everytime you see him at school!

Shannon said...


Shannon said...


Anonymous said...

That's why you're fun!
Call me and I can share my 'Joyce' moment with you.
