Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hudson's first Christmas Concert

It was adorable. It was hilarious. It was strangely, all about Devin!

Nothing like interupting the teacher during the introduction to announce: "Miss Maria...Devin's laughing at me!"

@1min,46 seconds: Devin! Devin (stomp foot for emphasis)!

@ 21 seconds: Oh Devin! Oh Sweetie!

@40 seconds: Mommy call Devin!

@50 seconds: Devin!

My Joys

He has asked Santa for: a High Flying Adventures Backyardigans DVD, skates, a wallet (seriously?), sparkles (again...WTH?), new PJ's (I thought kids never asked for clothes?), and most recently walkie-talkies (the funny part is he asked for them before asking me what they are/do).

his face in this picture cracks me up. like he thinks Santa is a weirdo.

Zoolander - Blue Steel look


Audrey said...

That was awesome AND hilarious. He LOVES Devin, even though he thinks that he is annoying sometimes, eh?
Really good singing Hudson!!! How come the french songs are so much louder than the english ones? haha
Looks like it was so well organized with Santa coming to visit and everything. Very fun.
And the picture of all 3 of you is beautiful. Devin is looking adoringly at his older bro.

Sonia said...

Hee's nice knowing how much he thinks about and loves his brother. So sweet!

Great job singing in your concert Hudson!

Shannon said...

Hudson YOU ROCK! What a fabulous singing voice and way to include your brother! Looks like such a fun event! I love all he asked Santa for...too adorable. Happy Christmas to all of you!

Unknown said...

Can I just say when I saw Hudson calling out, "oh devin, oh sweeeetie..." I spat out my water, laughing so hard! Omg your son is hilarious and a love bunny! Great singing too!