Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Murphy's Law

Your child will get sick at the most inopportune time.

Everyone warned me that once Hudson started school, he would get sick a lot the first year. It's not surprising, considering there are almost 20 kids in his preschool. 20 kids all playing with the same toys. 20 kids = a gazillion germs.

Anyway, to make a long story short, Hudson has been out of commission with a double ear infection since last week. He's been dealing with pain in both ears, an ongoing fever, the runs (side effect from his antibiotics), loss of appetite, loss of hearing, and body aches. Poor baby.

As a result...we missed:

1. MY volunteer day at his school (each student's parent is responsible to "help" the teachers once a month). I totally wanted to spy on Hudson flirting with Emma...the girl he can't stop talking about.

2. The Welcome Potluck Party at his school (who doesn't love a smorgasbord of free finger foods?!?)

3. And most of all...a weekend roadtrip to Toronto (for a wedding of an old family friend and getting to hang out with my two favorite boys over the age of 4, besides my husband). Note: this is the second time I haven't been able to wear this amazing green dress for a special occasion that got nixed.

He couldn't have gotten sick any other, typical week, when we've got nothing planned.

Like I've said are party poopers.

Look at the fun we missed!!! My beautiful niece, sister, and mama in all their drunkeness silliness.


Audrey said...

I really hope Hudson gets all better soon. Timing really sucks, eh? What green dress are you talking about?

The pictures look SOOOOOO fun. 3 generations of gorgeousness!!!

Sonia said...

Sorry to hear Hudson is sick. Hope he gets better quickly.

I think it's a rite of passage when a kid hits kindergarten. Both my kids went through it and I'm reminded of sickness every September when they get sick within a week or two of being back at school.

I gave both kids hand sanitizer (in their backpacks). Hoping they actually use it when I'm not around.

Unknown said...

Aw, poor kiddo! Hope he gets better soon. Double ear infection, wow, that's a doozy. Yep, I've been burned by that dude, Murphy. But don't worry Joyce, your fun time will come. And when it does? It'll be fantastic! Have missed your posts.. : )

Unknown said...

By the way, incredible pic of Sue, R and Halmoni! Why does everyone look so young in your family?! lol.

Shannon said...

Poor little Hudson. He's almost missed more school than attended. And he has a girlfriend? Sweet!

I love the photos of your niece, sis and Mama. Was that a photo booth at the wedding? Super fun!