Things that make my life a little more sweet...
- my 400 threadcount sheets (don't mean to sound like a snob, but I would never go for anything less anymore)
- my "soyoungmother" designer diaperbag (it retails for serious $$$, but i LOVE it...a place for my cell phone, keys, wallet, and then of course all of Hudson's stuff).
- my non-fat, half-caf, light whip, cinnamon dolce latte from Starbucks (which Rob HATES ordering for me!). Yum.
- my new ring from "". This is the FUNNEST piece of jewellery I have ever seen!!! It's funky, weighty (amazing quality) and the best part is you change the stone/crystal to whatever suits your mood for the day!
What a beautiful diaper bag! So stylish. If Brandon was a little younger, I would definitely order one.
Oh yeah..and the ring isn't so bad either. :o) Thanks for mentioning my website and the link to it.
So interesting how we all picked different stones on our rings, eh? The tourquise looks good...I'll have to change mine too now.
400 thread count? I didn't know. I just buy what I can find at Winner's or Home Sense for cheap that is 100% cotton.
Talk to you later.
I'm with ya on the sheets Joyce. Pure luxury and now you can buy at Costco. The bag is awesome. I have never had that latte, but always think it looks yummy, so thanks for trying it first. I had no idea Sonia was so talented and thanks for the link and I'm thinkin' I have to do some shopping.
Your finger isn't all squished and vendor on Granville street-ish!
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