Saturday, March 04, 2006

How does he love me??...let me count the ways...

Rob and I have been together for almost 8 years. Wow, hard to imagine since I still act and feel like I'm 19 years old. Anyway, every so often he will DO something that makes me FEEL the love. I hear the words "I love you" often, but sometimes actions speak louder than words.

The first time I really knew that Rob loved me was when we went camping in Manning Park early in our relationship. Now let me explain that I am NOT a roughing-it kinda girl. Anyway, I knew Rob loved me when I got up in the middle of the night, telling him I was going to be sick, and having him follow me from our tent to the no-electricity, no-running-water outhouse, and hold a Coleman lantern over my head so I could see while I threw up. ICK. He didn't seem as grossed out as I would have been if the tables were turned. He then proceeded to drive me to the Manning Park Hotel-Lodge because I needed a flushable toilet and running water, and paid for a full night, even though it was 5:00am, and check-out of the room had to be at 10:00am. He paid $80.00 for 5 hours, so I could basically puke in a real bathroom!!

The next time I knew he really loved me was when I thought I accidentally threw away my Psych notes in the garbage (down the garbage chute in a building 31 stories high), and had my final exam the next day. My knight in shining armour physically sifted through piles and piles of garbage looking for my notes, while I stood there crying my eyes out. We never found them, and it turns out that I had left them in class (the TA told me he was waiting for 2 weeks for someone to claim them, but since I waited until the last possible day to study, I never realized they were missing!).

This next experience, Rob cursed and complained about me the whole time, I still felt the love!! I have this "thing", a quirky thing that I can't go poo in a public washroom. I have learned to hold it until I get home. This one day at work in Vancouver, I had to go, and since a whole bunch of people were all going out after our shift, I knew it would be hours until I got home. My stomach was killing me, so I called Rob and explained why he had to come pick me up from work. He (not happy about it at all!) came to get me at work, drove me home so I could poo, drove me back to work, and then had to drive back home!!! Ha Ha Ha, it still makes me laugh how crazy I am sometimes. The fact that he did all that (i heard a lot of unpleasantries the whole time) really made me feel lucky to have someone understand my illogical quirks!!

This brings me to the most recent love-filled event. Our whole house was repainted. Every single wall. Both Rob and I already weren't feeling well before the painters came (a stomach-thing), and then on top of that, the paint-fumes pushed me over the edge. I couldn't escape them, even though we had every window of the house open. I felt like I couldn't breathe. We looked into getting a hotel room, but in order to bring Bosco with us (we didn't want to leave him in the toxicity), we would have to stay on the smoking floor of the hotel (we have done this before, and the stench of stale smoke mixed with perfumed room deodorizer was not going to be much better than the paint fumes). Anyway, I fell asleep on the couch, and woke up to Rob telling me to come to bed. He had set up our unfinished basement to be a cozy bedroom! He put down a boxspring topped with a mattress-pad, had tons of blankets, a lamp and alarm clock, Bosco's bed beside us, window open for fresh was perfect! I slept fume-free in my cozy make-shift bedroom!

I know this is a long blog, but I wanted Rob to know how much I appreciate and love him...and thank him for putting up with all my "princess" ways!


Joyce said...

I just looked at this published post and realize the picture looks so dark! Rob looks happy in the picture...really...even if you can't see it...he's smiling!

Anonymous said...

She is worth all the fuss - the best woman a guy could hope for.

Kaili said...

You guys are so cute, commenting to eachother on your blog when you are probably sitting next to one another as you type it, Hehe!!!
I am happy to hear you have a man that can stand up for all the silly things you do/think/feel. I am also so lucky, Robin has done some pretty crazy stuff for me. Aren't we lucky!!

Audrey said...

Yes, kudos to Rob for putting up with my wacky sister. Your blog made me crack up out loud. Thanks Rob for taking care of Joyce... my favorite younger sister. Love both of you.

Audrey said...

I just remembered one more thing... remember what happened at the donut shop the day that you were moving.....hehe How you over-reacted at Rob when he didn't want the free donut....

Anonymous said...

Why do I not have any normal sisters?! You do realize that when you come back reincarnated, you will be the cleaning woman at a public shopping mall!
Thank goodness you found Rob...
Susan xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi, Joyce

It is a wonderful to see you on this blog.
It is amazing.
I'll drop by so often from now on.

Have a nice evening !!
