Tuesday, December 11, 2007

monkey see...monkey do...

We've made a few Starbucks runs during the madness of packing...
everyone needs a sip of perfectly brewed java during times of stress, right?

(maybe this is why Hudson is such a poor napper...?!?)

** in case anyone is thinking of calling Family Services on me...it was only one shot espresso...not two... **


Audrey said...

Joyce! Please tell me that the cup was empty!!!

Hudson looks like such a cool dude. Do you do his hair like that everyday?

Anonymous said...

Hey Hudson!
You look like you're thinking of "Life's Mysteries" standing by the window!

Too cool...

Kaili said...

Does he wear that SAME shirt EVERDAY? Cute!

Shannon said...

cute how he's sharing his big boy drink with Bosco.

Anonymous said...

Aww, he's so HANDSOME!! I can't believe he's into the big boy clothes now!
