Sunday, January 09, 2011

new tricks for the new year!

This impressive feat (he just turned 11 months!) reminds me that I have JOY in my crazy life.

My New Years resolution: complain less, regret less, and find joy in my life everyday.


Sonia said...

Yay!! Way to go Devin! You'll be running soon!

Audrey said...

Super job Devin! I can't believe he is walking at 11 months. Way to go!!!!

Good job sister on filming it!

Kaili said...

YAY! So fun Devin! YAY!

Shannon said...

How in the world do you manage to have a camera every time there's a tremendous feat? You did the same thing with Hudson. Good job Mama, and BRILLIANT job Devin! So strong!

Anonymous said...

My Boy!
And now he wont stop walking everywhere!
Love Him!